Our December has been very simple.
We stayed home to keep Glory healthy and it has worked very well, she is doing great.
Her medical masks came in, she says they make her feel like a Ninja
Alot of time inside has given lots of time for science experiments with daddy
Tiny Super heros Flat Patches was this months mission.
We made dinosaur ice eggs to put out in the garden to freeze over night
Lots of time inside has given lots of time for games with us and her online groups
and lots of time for cuddling our pets
and even more science experiments .. we have pretty much done one every night in December
We said goodbye to the final mantis, we look forward to meeting her babies in the spring
Did I say lots of games ...
and crafts !
John got a raise at work so we were able to afford to finally add Time4learning Online school to her
list of curriculums that she does. She has really been enjoying it !
Just yesterday she got 100% on her very first ever Test.
Glory sent out a bunch of flat patches and Christmas cards she made herself (was her own idea)
aaaaaand more crafts !
This was a pom pom dragon!
Got a history/govt lesson by viewing the Impeachment of President Trump.
Flat Patches traveled to JAPAN !!! with friends of ours
The dino eggs froze and hatched!
She really enjoyed the time4learning History project on vikings
She also measured the length of a Longboat with string (60 feet)
and made viking children's mead
Happy Solstice
Solstice Science (painting in the dark)
We enjoyed a Solstice day walk down the trail behind our apartments
and out to the Deleware River.
Sun Bread
Glory did great this month and hasn't been sick, even though me
and John got a little sick a couple times. Thankfully Glory has done OK.
She doesn't know it yet but in 3 days we will be making a special day trip out.
Its been over a month since she has been out in public.
She needs to get bloodwork drawn, but there is also a special
Dinosaur exhibit at the Natural Museum of the Sciences.
So the plan is to take her in the morning for bloodwork on friday and then
to the Museum for the rest of the day.
I hope the promise of fun after makes the bloodwork easier to handle for her. If all goes well it should be a very nice day and a nice end to December and start to the new year.

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