Monday, July 23, 2012

Getting Ready!

Getting ready for another year of homeschool!  
This is the schedule we will be working from this year!  

Letter of the Week
38 Week Schedule

Week  1 - Alphabet Intro
Week  2 - Letter A
Week  3 - Letter B
Week  4 - Letter C
Week  5 - Letter D
Week  6 - Letter E
Week  7 - Review A, B, C, D & E
Week  8 - Letter F
Week  9 - Letter G
Week 10 - Letter H
Week 11 - Letter I
Week 12 - Letter J
Week 13 - Review F, G, H, I & J
Week 14 - Letter K
Week 15 - Letter L
Week 16 - Letter M
Week 17 - Letter N
Week 18 - Letter O
Week 19 - Review K, L, M, N & O
Week 20 - Letter P
Week 21 - Letter Q
Week 22 - Letter R
Week 23 - Letter S
Week 24 - Letter T
Week 25 - Review P, Q, R, S & T
Week 26 - Letter U
Week 27 - Letter V
Week 28 - Letter W
Week 29 - Letter X
Week 30 - Letter Y
Week 31 - Letter Z
Week 32 - Review U, V, W, X, Y & Z
Week 33 - Long Vowel A
Week 34- Long Vowel E
Week 35 - Long Vowel I
Week 36 - Long Vowel O
Week 37 - Long Vowel U
Week 38 - Review Long Vowels A, E, I, O & U

Language Arts (30 minutes)
Music (15 minutes)
Themed Creative Play (15 minutes)
Language Arts & Music (30 minutes)
Math (15 minutes)
Themed Creative Play  (15 minutes)
Language Arts, Music & Math (30 minutes)
Science (20 minutes)
Themed Creative Play  (10 minutes)
Language Arts, Music & Math (30 minutes)
Social Studies (15 minutes)
Art Project (15 - 30 minutes)
Language Arts, Music & Math (30 minutes)
Sports/Games/Activities (20 minutes +)
Review Lesson (10 minutes)
Field Trips


Monday -Language Arts  (30 minutes)
Letter of the Week:
  • Introduce the letter of the week on a big poster.
  • Teach both the name and the sound it stands for.  Only one sound at a time!
  • Show both upper and lower case letters  ie: Aa, Mm, Pp, etc.
  • Post it where the child will see it often through the week, such as on the refrigerator.  Mention it often!
  • You can also do a coloring page for the letter.  Have your child color the letter and post it where they would like to see it displayed!
Theme Words:
  • For each letter I have listed theme words.
  • Make flash cards for at least 5 of the words and show them 2 - 3x daily during the week.  (You can choose different words from mine,  just make sure they begin with the proper sound of the letter.)
  • Suggestion - use a red felt pen to write the words on white cardstock approx. 3 x 8 inches.
  • Hint - I have found the best time to show the flash cards is at meal times.
  • You do not need to have the child repeat back the word.  Just show them quickly one after the other.
  • If you would like you can find a picture for the theme word and place it on the back of the flash card.
  • Another idea for the theme word cards is to just post them on a bulletin board, or the wall, where the child will see them often.

Poetry & Rhymes:
  • Choose one poem or rhyme to memorize(at least read it to the child daily).
  • Write it on construction paper and post it where you can review it often.
  • Find a good poetry or nursery rhyme book in your library or purchase one.
  • I recommend the following books - Favorite Poems Old and New, 1001 Rhymes & Fingerplays(Totline book), Animals Animals by Eric Carle, The 20th Century Children's Poetry Treasury and A Child's Garden of Verses.
  • Or follow the links on the letter pages to find great poems and nursery rhymes.

Read Aloud:
  • Choose one or more books from the list of books(or of your own choosing) to read aloud.
  • You can continue to read the same book for the rest of the week or pick a different one each day.
  • If you choose the book, I suggest that the book(s) be related to one or more of your theme words.
  • Find the books at your library, local bookstore, or online bookstore.
Language Arts & Music (30 minutes)
  • Review the theme word flash cards.
  • Read (or memorize) the poem or rhyme chosen.
  • Read one of the stories(the same or different).
  • Sing the song you chose.
  • Listen to music of the composer of the week and show the flash card, if you made one.
Math (15 minutes)
  • Teach the math idea or activity listed this day.
Optional - Colors!
  • Teach the color listed.  You should be able to find the color in a 64 or 96 pack of crayons.
  • Take an index card and color it the color listed.
  • Write the color word on the other side.
  • Show the flash card a few times each day for the rest of the week.
(When my second son was 3 he loved colors and learned to recognize  the color and read the color word for almost 64 different colors.  If your child loves color you can continue to review the colors all year.) 

Language Arts, Music & Math (30 minutes)
  • Review the theme word flash cards.
  • Read (or memorize) the poem or rhyme chosen.
  • Read one of the stories(the same or different).
  • Sing the song you chose.
  • Listen to music of the composer of the week and show the flash card, if you made one.
  • Review the color of the week. (optional)
Science (20 minutes)I have usually listed a bird, mammal, ocean creature and a flower that start with the letter.
  • Look one or two up in a field guide, book, or on the internet and briefly tell your child a little about them.
  • You could also look up an insect, reptile, fish, tree, planet, rock or mineral to teach.
  • But only teach about one or two different things each week.
  • If the plant or animal can be found in your neighborhood, go for a nature walk.
You could take these ideas and make your own Nature Alphabet Book.
  • Add a page each week.
  • Write "A is for Antelope"(for example) on one page.
  • Draw, or cut out of a magazine, a picture and put on the back side of the page.
  • Put each page in a page protector and put in a 3-ring binder.
  • What a keepsake!
 link: Animal Coloring Pages 

Language Arts, Music & Math (30 minutes)
  • Review the theme word flash cards.
  • Read (or memorize) the poem or rhyme chosen.
  • Read one of the stories(the same or different).
  • Sing the song you chose.
  • Listen to music of the composer of the week and show the flash card, if you made one.
  • Review the color of the week. (optional)
Social Studies (15 minutes)
  • Choose one of the listed topics for discussion.
  • Find a book or look on the internet to find out about the topic.
  • For geography, print off a blank map to color.
Art Project (15 - 30 minutes)
  • I have also listed an art project to be done on this day.

  • If you can't complete it in one day, carry it over to the next.

Language Arts, Music & Math (30 minutes)
  • Review the theme word flash cards.
  • Read (or memorize) the poem or rhyme chosen.
  • Read one of the stories(the same or different).
  • Sing the song you chose.
  • Listen to music of the composer of the week and show the flash card, if you made one.
  • Review the color of the week. (optional)
Sports/Games/Activities (20 minutes)
  • Decide on an activity and make the day fun!
Review (10 minutes)
  • Review any of your activities from the week that your child enjoyed the most.


Glory's Words (in order of when spoken and constantly used)

Glory's Words (in order of when spoken and constantly used)

1. 'Dada' (3 months)
2. 'Mama' (4 months)
3. 'Kitty' (7 months)
4. 'Doggie' (8 months)
5. 'Baba' -bottle- (8 months)
6. 'uh oh' - when dropping something (or throwing something :)
7. 'No no no no' -when about to do something she knows she's not supposed to do- (9 months)
8. Hot (9 months)
9. 'This?' -what is this?- (10 months)
10. 'That' - i want that- (10 months)
11. 'mooooohh' - Elmo from sesame street (10 months)
12. 'Aeeyyy' - Abby from sesame street (11 months)
13. 'Ert' - Bert from sesame street (11 months)
14. 'Ernie' - from sesame street (1 year)
15. 'Weeee' - thanks to little people playground
16. 'Block' - building blocks
17. 'Fish' - because of a picture book
18. 'Tree' - because of a trip to the park
19. 'Cook' - (13 months)
20. 'Cup'
21. 'look kittie !'
22. 'Bath'
23. 'Kiss'
24. 'ook' - Book (she can't say the letter 'b')
25. 'Ducky' (15 months)
26. 'Coke' - when pointing to my can of soda
27. 'touch that?' - when pointing to the painting in the living room that we lift her up and let her touch.
28. 'No' (while shaking her head no) -when she doesn't want to do something or doesn't like something or is done eating or drinking
29. 'Woo Woo' (poop)
30. 'Yeah' (yes)
31. 'Clock'
32. 'I' (for 'I love you through and through' her favorite book)
33. 'Froggie' (16 months)
34. 'Wow!'
35. 'Giraffe'
36. 'Wash'
37. 'Yucky'
38. 'Horsey'
39. 'Eyes'
40. 'Rock'
41. 'Nice Kitty'
42. 'Mouse'
43. 'Hair'
44. 'Nose'
45. 'Mouth'
46. 'Cookie' 17 months
47. 'Monkey'
48. 'Elephant'
49. 'Kiss'
50. 'Alligator' (thanks to starfall)
51. 'Cheese'
52. 'Hi' (Hiiieeeey! LOL)
53. 'Nice' (gentle - after being told to 'be nice' ie don't hit)
54. 'Oh No!'
55. 'Splash!' (thanks to little people bath bar)
56. 'Dolphin' ("")
57. 'Pocoyo'
58. 'Bye Bye Dada'
59. 'No No No Bad Kitty!'
60. 'Arrrggh' (like a pirate - thanks to backyardigans)
61. 'Blues Clues'
62. 'My Paci!' (Pacifier)
63. 'Cool!'
64. ' A Clue ! A Clue!' (from blues clues -when she saw a blue paw print on the tag for her unicorn)
65.'Good dog woof!' (after Ubu sit at the end of family ties lol)
66. First song with actual words 'Blues cluuuuuues Blues clues'
67. 'Ooooo wow cool!!!' 18 months
68. 'Color?' (when she wants her crayons)
69. 'Chair'
70. 'Turtle' (blues turtle Torqoise)
71. 'A' (the letter)
72. 'Cheek' (learning names of body parts)
73. 'Doll'
74. 'B' (the letter)
75. 'Ball'
76. 'C' (the letter)
77. 'D' (the letter)
78. 'E' (the letter)
79. 'Juice'
80. 'Ooooooh wow!! Look!!!! Look !!!' (while pointing wildly at something she likes)
81. 'five?' (as in gimme five) :)
82. 'wazzzat?' ('what's that?')
83. 'Here ya go' (when handing us something)
84. 'Ostrich' ! (wow! thank you little people a-z zoo)
85. 'what's this?'
86. 'Oscar the grouch' (double wow! playing with her Oscar the grouch doll and she said 'what's this?' lol so i told her and now she knows !)
87. 'Big Horsey'
88. 'Dinasaur!'
89. 'Bye Bye See ya later' (19 months)
90. A reAffirmed Passion for saying the word 'No!' to just about everything.
91. The whole Alphabet !! (i'm not going to list each letter individually lol including their sounds!)
92. 'Blue'
93. 'Stop!'
94. 'Go!'
95. 'Igloo' (thanks to
96. 'Car'
97. 'Shoes'
98. 'Apple!' (Finally! lol)
99. 'Yes!'
100. 'Thank You.' :) my favorite so far
101. 'Up'
102. 'Down'
103. 'On'
104. 'Off'
105. 'Nasty!' lol
106. 'Yucky'
107. 'Pig'
108. 'Cow'
109. 'Popcorn'
110. 'Girl'
111. 'Yellow'
112. 'Red'
113. 'Pink'
114. 'Green'
115 'Purple'
116. 'Black'
117. 'White'
stopped counting :)