Saturday, September 22, 2018

Our August

 George got adopted !!!  we miss him <3

 Pool is closed now, we miss it too!

 We enjoyed some birthday fun at the diner 

 Gillians Pier with Jason ! 

 Always an artist .. draws all the time ...and everywhere 

 We had a great summer … and lots of avocado mint choc chip icecream

We have been enjoying all the New Day Family success center activities! 

 Its been so hot this summer, we spent a lot of time playing inside

 We started fostering a pair of kittens <3

 Diner for dinner and the discovery museum with Jason !

 little chef

 Glory has been diagnosed with PANS. Autoimmune Encephalitis.  Treatment is antibiotics and anti inflamatories. Well we noticed that on the right meds she has been less anxious and started falling asleep and requesting to stay sleeping on the couch which is the first time she has slept in a room apart from us in 8 years !!  We took this as a sign to set her bedroom up as her own room and she is now sleeping in her own bed in her own room for the first time in 8 years !  She also lost her Autism diagnosis. It was all brain inflammation.  We have a lot of recovery to do but at least she is on the right road to recovery now with doctors who know what they are doing.

 Fun with cinnamon <3

 She started a new thing and kept chewing on her hands … so we got her a chewy shark, she loves it.

 Story book land with daddy ! 

 can we say growth spurt!!!??

 RIP Sassafrass 

 she has taken to sewing a lot lately !!

 Romeo was the shy one but he is starting to follow Glory around too now 

 Loving her own room!  

 starting to feel like fall outside

 math helper - one of Glory's new symptoms is dyslexia .. the doctors feel it should correct itself on the right meds for the right amount of time

 Forest friends is back at bass river state park !! 

 Pancakes at New day

 Glory has been having fun playing computer games with daddy..
she is getting really good at cat goes fishing

 Completed Life of Fred - edgewood !
 5 books down, 5 books left in the elemental series

 Won a playdoh set at bingo from new day !! 

 She has fun with her little friend Bernnel and had fun sewing him a birthday gift

 Glory's new shoulder shrugging tic has placed her in a chiro's care ..
 thankfully he is helping with the pain

 Wetlands Science class is back ! 

 The immunologist ordered more bloodwork to get an immune system baseline and help figure out why our little girl has an autoimmune disease. As is our tradition she gets to pick 'any toy!' after she completes her bloodwork.  She did the best so far this time although she did puke up all the water she drank when she was done.  But all was forgotten once she picked out her new lego set.  We are anxiously awaiting the bloodwork results.  Thankfully on the new meds … Azithromax, large doses of advil, and nasal sprays Glory's tics have again become a thing of the past.  Hoping they stay that way.

Glory's Words (in order of when spoken and constantly used)

Glory's Words (in order of when spoken and constantly used)

1. 'Dada' (3 months)
2. 'Mama' (4 months)
3. 'Kitty' (7 months)
4. 'Doggie' (8 months)
5. 'Baba' -bottle- (8 months)
6. 'uh oh' - when dropping something (or throwing something :)
7. 'No no no no' -when about to do something she knows she's not supposed to do- (9 months)
8. Hot (9 months)
9. 'This?' -what is this?- (10 months)
10. 'That' - i want that- (10 months)
11. 'mooooohh' - Elmo from sesame street (10 months)
12. 'Aeeyyy' - Abby from sesame street (11 months)
13. 'Ert' - Bert from sesame street (11 months)
14. 'Ernie' - from sesame street (1 year)
15. 'Weeee' - thanks to little people playground
16. 'Block' - building blocks
17. 'Fish' - because of a picture book
18. 'Tree' - because of a trip to the park
19. 'Cook' - (13 months)
20. 'Cup'
21. 'look kittie !'
22. 'Bath'
23. 'Kiss'
24. 'ook' - Book (she can't say the letter 'b')
25. 'Ducky' (15 months)
26. 'Coke' - when pointing to my can of soda
27. 'touch that?' - when pointing to the painting in the living room that we lift her up and let her touch.
28. 'No' (while shaking her head no) -when she doesn't want to do something or doesn't like something or is done eating or drinking
29. 'Woo Woo' (poop)
30. 'Yeah' (yes)
31. 'Clock'
32. 'I' (for 'I love you through and through' her favorite book)
33. 'Froggie' (16 months)
34. 'Wow!'
35. 'Giraffe'
36. 'Wash'
37. 'Yucky'
38. 'Horsey'
39. 'Eyes'
40. 'Rock'
41. 'Nice Kitty'
42. 'Mouse'
43. 'Hair'
44. 'Nose'
45. 'Mouth'
46. 'Cookie' 17 months
47. 'Monkey'
48. 'Elephant'
49. 'Kiss'
50. 'Alligator' (thanks to starfall)
51. 'Cheese'
52. 'Hi' (Hiiieeeey! LOL)
53. 'Nice' (gentle - after being told to 'be nice' ie don't hit)
54. 'Oh No!'
55. 'Splash!' (thanks to little people bath bar)
56. 'Dolphin' ("")
57. 'Pocoyo'
58. 'Bye Bye Dada'
59. 'No No No Bad Kitty!'
60. 'Arrrggh' (like a pirate - thanks to backyardigans)
61. 'Blues Clues'
62. 'My Paci!' (Pacifier)
63. 'Cool!'
64. ' A Clue ! A Clue!' (from blues clues -when she saw a blue paw print on the tag for her unicorn)
65.'Good dog woof!' (after Ubu sit at the end of family ties lol)
66. First song with actual words 'Blues cluuuuuues Blues clues'
67. 'Ooooo wow cool!!!' 18 months
68. 'Color?' (when she wants her crayons)
69. 'Chair'
70. 'Turtle' (blues turtle Torqoise)
71. 'A' (the letter)
72. 'Cheek' (learning names of body parts)
73. 'Doll'
74. 'B' (the letter)
75. 'Ball'
76. 'C' (the letter)
77. 'D' (the letter)
78. 'E' (the letter)
79. 'Juice'
80. 'Ooooooh wow!! Look!!!! Look !!!' (while pointing wildly at something she likes)
81. 'five?' (as in gimme five) :)
82. 'wazzzat?' ('what's that?')
83. 'Here ya go' (when handing us something)
84. 'Ostrich' ! (wow! thank you little people a-z zoo)
85. 'what's this?'
86. 'Oscar the grouch' (double wow! playing with her Oscar the grouch doll and she said 'what's this?' lol so i told her and now she knows !)
87. 'Big Horsey'
88. 'Dinasaur!'
89. 'Bye Bye See ya later' (19 months)
90. A reAffirmed Passion for saying the word 'No!' to just about everything.
91. The whole Alphabet !! (i'm not going to list each letter individually lol including their sounds!)
92. 'Blue'
93. 'Stop!'
94. 'Go!'
95. 'Igloo' (thanks to
96. 'Car'
97. 'Shoes'
98. 'Apple!' (Finally! lol)
99. 'Yes!'
100. 'Thank You.' :) my favorite so far
101. 'Up'
102. 'Down'
103. 'On'
104. 'Off'
105. 'Nasty!' lol
106. 'Yucky'
107. 'Pig'
108. 'Cow'
109. 'Popcorn'
110. 'Girl'
111. 'Yellow'
112. 'Red'
113. 'Pink'
114. 'Green'
115 'Purple'
116. 'Black'
117. 'White'
stopped counting :)