Getting ready for another year of homeschool!
This is the schedule we will be working from this year!
38 Week Schedule

Week 1 - Alphabet Intro
Week 2 - Letter A
Week 3 - Letter B
Week 4 - Letter C
Week 5 - Letter D
Week 6 - Letter E
Week 7 - Review A, B, C, D & E
Week 8 - Letter F
Week 9 - Letter G
Week 10 - Letter H
Week 11 - Letter I
Week 12 - Letter J
Week 13 - Review F, G, H, I & J
Week 14 - Letter K
Week 15 - Letter L
Week 16 - Letter M
Week 17 - Letter N
Week 18 - Letter O
Week 19 - Review K, L, M, N & O
Week 20 - Letter P
Week 21 - Letter Q
Week 22 - Letter R
Week 23 - Letter S
Week 24 - Letter T
Week 25 - Review P, Q, R, S & T
Week 26 - Letter U
Week 27 - Letter V
Week 28 - Letter W
Week 29 - Letter X
Week 30 - Letter Y
Week 31 - Letter Z
Week 32 - Review U, V, W, X, Y & Z
Week 33 - Long Vowel A
Week 34- Long Vowel E
Week 35 - Long Vowel I
Week 36 - Long Vowel O
Week 37 - Long Vowel U
Week 38 - Review Long Vowels A, E, I, O & U
Language Arts (30 minutes)
Music (15 minutes)
Themed Creative Play (15 minutes)
Music (15 minutes)
Themed Creative Play (15 minutes)
Language Arts & Music (30 minutes)
Math (15 minutes)
Themed Creative Play (15 minutes)
Math (15 minutes)
Themed Creative Play (15 minutes)
Language Arts, Music & Math (30 minutes)
Science (20 minutes)
Themed Creative Play (10 minutes)
Science (20 minutes)
Themed Creative Play (10 minutes)
Language Arts, Music & Math (30 minutes)
Social Studies (15 minutes)
Art Project (15 - 30 minutes)
Social Studies (15 minutes)
Art Project (15 - 30 minutes)
Language Arts, Music & Math (30 minutes)
Sports/Games/Activities (20 minutes +)
Review Lesson (10 minutes)
Sports/Games/Activities (20 minutes +)
Review Lesson (10 minutes)
Field Trips
Poetry & Rhymes:
Read Aloud:
Field Trips
Monday -Language Arts (30 minutes)
Letter of the Week:
- Introduce the letter of the week on a big poster.
- Teach both the name and the sound it stands for. Only one sound at a time!
- Show both upper and lower case letters ie: Aa, Mm, Pp, etc.
- Post it where the child will see it often through the week, such as on the refrigerator. Mention it often!
- You can also do a coloring page for the letter. Have your child color the letter and post it where they would like to see it displayed!
- For each letter I have listed theme words.
- Make flash cards for at least 5 of the words and show them 2 - 3x daily during the week. (You can choose different words from mine, just make sure they begin with the proper sound of the letter.)
- Suggestion - use a red felt pen to write the words on white cardstock approx. 3 x 8 inches.
- Hint - I have found the best time to show the flash cards is at meal times.
- You do not need to have the child repeat back the word. Just show them quickly one after the other.
- If you would like you can find a picture for the theme word and place it on the back of the flash card.
- Another idea for the theme word cards is to just post them on a bulletin board, or the wall, where the child will see them often.
Poetry & Rhymes:
- Choose one poem or rhyme to memorize(at least read it to the child daily).
- Write it on construction paper and post it where you can review it often.
- Find a good poetry or nursery rhyme book in your library or purchase one.
- I recommend the following books - Favorite Poems Old and New, 1001 Rhymes & Fingerplays(Totline book), Animals Animals by Eric Carle, The 20th Century Children's Poetry Treasury and A Child's Garden of Verses.
- Or follow the links on the letter pages to find great poems and nursery rhymes.
Read Aloud:
- Choose one or more books from the list of books(or of your own choosing) to read aloud.
- You can continue to read the same book for the rest of the week or pick a different one each day.
- If you choose the book, I suggest that the book(s) be related to one or more of your theme words.
- Find the books at your library, local bookstore, or online bookstore.
Language Arts & Music (30 minutes)
Language Arts & Music (30 minutes)
- Review the theme word flash cards.
- Read (or memorize) the poem or rhyme chosen.
- Read one of the stories(the same or different).
- Sing the song you chose.
- Listen to music of the composer of the week and show the flash card, if you made one.
- Teach the math idea or activity listed this day.
- Teach the color listed. You should be able to find the color in a 64 or 96 pack of crayons.
- Take an index card and color it the color listed.
- Write the color word on the other side.
- Show the flash card a few times each day for the rest of the week.
Language Arts, Music & Math (30 minutes)
- Review the theme word flash cards.
- Read (or memorize) the poem or rhyme chosen.
- Read one of the stories(the same or different).
- Sing the song you chose.
- Listen to music of the composer of the week and show the flash card, if you made one.
- Review the color of the week. (optional)
- Look one or two up in a field guide, book, or on the internet and briefly tell your child a little about them.
- You could also look up an insect, reptile, fish, tree, planet, rock or mineral to teach.
- But only teach about one or two different things each week.
- If the plant or animal can be found in your neighborhood, go for a nature walk.
- Add a page each week.
- Write "A is for Antelope"(for example) on one page.
- Draw, or cut out of a magazine, a picture and put on the back side of the page.
- Put each page in a page protector and put in a 3-ring binder.
- What a keepsake!
Language Arts, Music & Math (30 minutes)
Language Arts, Music & Math (30 minutes)
- Review the theme word flash cards.
- Read (or memorize) the poem or rhyme chosen.
- Read one of the stories(the same or different).
- Sing the song you chose.
- Listen to music of the composer of the week and show the flash card, if you made one.
- Review the color of the week. (optional)
- Choose one of the listed topics for discussion.
- Find a book or look on the internet to find out about the topic.
- For geography, print off a blank map to color.
- I have also listed an art project to be done on this day.
If you can't complete it in one day, carry it over to the next.
Language Arts, Music & Math (30 minutes)
Language Arts, Music & Math (30 minutes)
- Review the theme word flash cards.
- Read (or memorize) the poem or rhyme chosen.
- Read one of the stories(the same or different).
- Sing the song you chose.
- Listen to music of the composer of the week and show the flash card, if you made one.
- Review the color of the week. (optional)
- Decide on an activity and make the day fun!
- Review any of your activities from the week that your child enjoyed the most.

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