Friday, July 3, 2015
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Update June 28, 2015
I was going over some things with Glory yesterday to figure out what she knows and what i should focus on for the next homeschool year. She showed me she can write her whole alphabet from memory, i was pretty impressed! But she quickly said 'But i don't know lowercase !' So that is what she's working on today. From what she is able to do she seems to be at 1st Grade level. Pretty good for a 4 year old :) all of the stuff i looked at for homeschooling kindergarten she has already mastered.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Update 3-2015
Its been a little while since i updated Glory's blog, we've been having so much fun with so many new activities now that the weather is warming up. Below is a short sum of what she's doing lately... (most of which was just this past week ... we've been doing way to much to put it all here, i keep a daily track on my facebook account but really don't get on here to update her blog very often. I need to :)

we've spending a lot of our time lately in the great outdoors ....
but also really enjoying out co-op time as well as some new indoor things like ...
skating !! we go every week to kinderskate on tuesdays now with her local homeschool friends
we LOVE our co-op here she is hunting for moon rocks and learning about constellations ...
she is also helping with her first official 'job' ... dog walking for a friend ... and after spending close one on one time with some of their chickens she has expressed the resolve to be a vegetarian <3 which has led to us all learning tons about healthy eating ....
Here Glory is showing off her space cat shirt on the way to our new astro club activity of star watching a couple days ago, we can't wait till the next one ! she has been asking when it gets dark 'can we go look at the stars now?!' ....
viewing venus
viewing jupiter (she saw venus, jupiter, the moon, sirius, and orion)
and here is one of my favorite new activites we've started yesterday ! Geocaching !!! real life treasure hunting !
We also just today visited the Academy of Natural Science in Philadelphia with her homeschool friends... we have had quite the busy fun week !
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Kindling her love of reading and writing
Glory has been doing so good with her reading and writing .... we've added a new bit of kindling to her fire by trying to feed this new love as much as possible and we are very excited about it :)
Glory's Words (in order of when spoken and constantly used)
Glory's Words (in order of when spoken and constantly used)
1. 'Dada' (3 months)
2. 'Mama' (4 months)
3. 'Kitty' (7 months)
4. 'Doggie' (8 months)
5. 'Baba' -bottle- (8 months)
6. 'uh oh' - when dropping something (or throwing something :)
7. 'No no no no' -when about to do something she knows she's not supposed to do- (9 months)
8. Hot (9 months)
9. 'This?' -what is this?- (10 months)
10. 'That' - i want that- (10 months)
11. 'mooooohh' - Elmo from sesame street (10 months)
12. 'Aeeyyy' - Abby from sesame street (11 months)
13. 'Ert' - Bert from sesame street (11 months)
14. 'Ernie' - from sesame street (1 year)
15. 'Weeee' - thanks to little people playground
16. 'Block' - building blocks
17. 'Fish' - because of a picture book
18. 'Tree' - because of a trip to the park
19. 'Cook' - (13 months)
20. 'Cup'
21. 'look kittie !'
22. 'Bath'
23. 'Kiss'
24. 'ook' - Book (she can't say the letter 'b')
25. 'Ducky' (15 months)
26. 'Coke' - when pointing to my can of soda
27. 'touch that?' - when pointing to the painting in the living room that we lift her up and let her touch.
28. 'No' (while shaking her head no) -when she doesn't want to do something or doesn't like something or is done eating or drinking
29. 'Woo Woo' (poop)
30. 'Yeah' (yes)
31. 'Clock'
32. 'I' (for 'I love you through and through' her favorite book)
33. 'Froggie' (16 months)
34. 'Wow!'
35. 'Giraffe'
36. 'Wash'
37. 'Yucky'
38. 'Horsey'
39. 'Eyes'
40. 'Rock'
41. 'Nice Kitty'
42. 'Mouse'
43. 'Hair'
44. 'Nose'
45. 'Mouth'
46. 'Cookie' 17 months
47. 'Monkey'
48. 'Elephant'
49. 'Kiss'
50. 'Alligator' (thanks to starfall)
51. 'Cheese'
52. 'Hi' (Hiiieeeey! LOL)
53. 'Nice' (gentle - after being told to 'be nice' ie don't hit)
54. 'Oh No!'
55. 'Splash!' (thanks to little people bath bar)
56. 'Dolphin' ("")
57. 'Pocoyo'
58. 'Bye Bye Dada'
59. 'No No No Bad Kitty!'
60. 'Arrrggh' (like a pirate - thanks to backyardigans)
61. 'Blues Clues'
62. 'My Paci!' (Pacifier)
63. 'Cool!'
64. ' A Clue ! A Clue!' (from blues clues -when she saw a blue paw print on the tag for her unicorn)
65.'Good dog woof!' (after Ubu sit at the end of family ties lol)
66. First song with actual words 'Blues cluuuuuues Blues clues'
67. 'Ooooo wow cool!!!' 18 months
68. 'Color?' (when she wants her crayons)
69. 'Chair'
70. 'Turtle' (blues turtle Torqoise)
71. 'A' (the letter)
72. 'Cheek' (learning names of body parts)
73. 'Doll'
74. 'B' (the letter)
75. 'Ball'
76. 'C' (the letter)
77. 'D' (the letter)
78. 'E' (the letter)
79. 'Juice'
80. 'Ooooooh wow!! Look!!!! Look !!!' (while pointing wildly at something she likes)
81. 'five?' (as in gimme five) :)
82. 'wazzzat?' ('what's that?')
83. 'Here ya go' (when handing us something)
84. 'Ostrich' ! (wow! thank you little people a-z zoo)
85. 'what's this?'
86. 'Oscar the grouch' (double wow! playing with her Oscar the grouch doll and she said 'what's this?' lol so i told her and now she knows !)
87. 'Big Horsey'
88. 'Dinasaur!'
89. 'Bye Bye See ya later' (19 months)
90. A reAffirmed Passion for saying the word 'No!' to just about everything.
91. The whole Alphabet !! (i'm not going to list each letter individually lol including their sounds!)
92. 'Blue'
93. 'Stop!'
94. 'Go!'
95. 'Igloo' (thanks to
96. 'Car'
97. 'Shoes'
98. 'Apple!' (Finally! lol)
99. 'Yes!'
100. 'Thank You.' :) my favorite so far
101. 'Up'
102. 'Down'
103. 'On'
104. 'Off'
105. 'Nasty!' lol
106. 'Yucky'
107. 'Pig'
108. 'Cow'
109. 'Popcorn'
110. 'Girl'
111. 'Yellow'
112. 'Red'
113. 'Pink'
114. 'Green'
115 'Purple'
116. 'Black'
117. 'White'
1. 'Dada' (3 months)
2. 'Mama' (4 months)
3. 'Kitty' (7 months)
4. 'Doggie' (8 months)
5. 'Baba' -bottle- (8 months)
6. 'uh oh' - when dropping something (or throwing something :)
7. 'No no no no' -when about to do something she knows she's not supposed to do- (9 months)
8. Hot (9 months)
9. 'This?' -what is this?- (10 months)
10. 'That' - i want that- (10 months)
11. 'mooooohh' - Elmo from sesame street (10 months)
12. 'Aeeyyy' - Abby from sesame street (11 months)
13. 'Ert' - Bert from sesame street (11 months)
14. 'Ernie' - from sesame street (1 year)
15. 'Weeee' - thanks to little people playground
16. 'Block' - building blocks
17. 'Fish' - because of a picture book
18. 'Tree' - because of a trip to the park
19. 'Cook' - (13 months)
20. 'Cup'
21. 'look kittie !'
22. 'Bath'
23. 'Kiss'
24. 'ook' - Book (she can't say the letter 'b')
25. 'Ducky' (15 months)
26. 'Coke' - when pointing to my can of soda
27. 'touch that?' - when pointing to the painting in the living room that we lift her up and let her touch.
28. 'No' (while shaking her head no) -when she doesn't want to do something or doesn't like something or is done eating or drinking
29. 'Woo Woo' (poop)
30. 'Yeah' (yes)
31. 'Clock'
32. 'I' (for 'I love you through and through' her favorite book)
33. 'Froggie' (16 months)
34. 'Wow!'
35. 'Giraffe'
36. 'Wash'
37. 'Yucky'
38. 'Horsey'
39. 'Eyes'
40. 'Rock'
41. 'Nice Kitty'
42. 'Mouse'
43. 'Hair'
44. 'Nose'
45. 'Mouth'
46. 'Cookie' 17 months
47. 'Monkey'
48. 'Elephant'
49. 'Kiss'
50. 'Alligator' (thanks to starfall)
51. 'Cheese'
52. 'Hi' (Hiiieeeey! LOL)
53. 'Nice' (gentle - after being told to 'be nice' ie don't hit)
54. 'Oh No!'
55. 'Splash!' (thanks to little people bath bar)
56. 'Dolphin' ("")
57. 'Pocoyo'
58. 'Bye Bye Dada'
59. 'No No No Bad Kitty!'
60. 'Arrrggh' (like a pirate - thanks to backyardigans)
61. 'Blues Clues'
62. 'My Paci!' (Pacifier)
63. 'Cool!'
64. ' A Clue ! A Clue!' (from blues clues -when she saw a blue paw print on the tag for her unicorn)
65.'Good dog woof!' (after Ubu sit at the end of family ties lol)
66. First song with actual words 'Blues cluuuuuues Blues clues'
67. 'Ooooo wow cool!!!' 18 months
68. 'Color?' (when she wants her crayons)
69. 'Chair'
70. 'Turtle' (blues turtle Torqoise)
71. 'A' (the letter)
72. 'Cheek' (learning names of body parts)
73. 'Doll'
74. 'B' (the letter)
75. 'Ball'
76. 'C' (the letter)
77. 'D' (the letter)
78. 'E' (the letter)
79. 'Juice'
80. 'Ooooooh wow!! Look!!!! Look !!!' (while pointing wildly at something she likes)
81. 'five?' (as in gimme five) :)
82. 'wazzzat?' ('what's that?')
83. 'Here ya go' (when handing us something)
84. 'Ostrich' ! (wow! thank you little people a-z zoo)
85. 'what's this?'
86. 'Oscar the grouch' (double wow! playing with her Oscar the grouch doll and she said 'what's this?' lol so i told her and now she knows !)
87. 'Big Horsey'
88. 'Dinasaur!'
89. 'Bye Bye See ya later' (19 months)
90. A reAffirmed Passion for saying the word 'No!' to just about everything.
91. The whole Alphabet !! (i'm not going to list each letter individually lol including their sounds!)
92. 'Blue'
93. 'Stop!'
94. 'Go!'
95. 'Igloo' (thanks to
96. 'Car'
97. 'Shoes'
98. 'Apple!' (Finally! lol)
99. 'Yes!'
100. 'Thank You.' :) my favorite so far
101. 'Up'
102. 'Down'
103. 'On'
104. 'Off'
105. 'Nasty!' lol
106. 'Yucky'
107. 'Pig'
108. 'Cow'
109. 'Popcorn'
110. 'Girl'
111. 'Yellow'
112. 'Red'
113. 'Pink'
114. 'Green'
115 'Purple'
116. 'Black'
117. 'White'
stopped counting :)